Newsletter – 2022

The 2022 Memorial Service
Will be held at the Cemetery on
June 19, 2022 at 2:30 PM

After a hiatus of two years we will meet in the cemetery for our annual memorial service. Although the shadow of the pandemic remains the location of the service in the cemetery offers adequate space for social distancing.

Reverend Trish Miller of Leeds Anglican Ministries will lead the service and Gary Bracken will provide the music.

Remember to bring a lawn chair or blanket.

Board Report

Operating expenses for 2021 were $10,238.36. Net income for 2020 was $12,304.55; these amounts do not include $2400.00 which must be deposited in the Care and Maintenance Fund. A financial statement is included with this mailing.

The granite block that is our new sign is in place and will be engraved this summer.

The Cemetery Board thanks Rideauview Contracts, Thousand Islands Concrete, Leeder Monuments and D G Younge for their contribution in getting the sign erected.

Lillies Cemetery website and Facebook page

The cemetery website ( is now available on all devices: PCs, tablets and, smart phones.

A list of all recorded burials in Lillies Cemetery and the Baptist Burying

Ground has been added to the website.

On the Lillies Cemetery Facebook page there are regular notifications of interest including memorials for those who are buried in the Cemetery. These memorials are created using information in the Cemetery Register. To add a name to the memorial list contact the secretary-treasurer with the name, date of birth and date of death.

Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and other Decorations

          We are pleased to see the flowers that have been planted by some families and we encourage others to do so.

          Other mementos should be placed where they do not interfere with mowing. For safety reasons glass containers will be removed.

Please mark artificial flowers and saddles with your name or the name of the grave so that errant items can be returned to their proper place. Damaged and faded items will be removed.

As a volunteer organization the Baptist Cemetery welcomes anyone who is interested in becoming a board member or participating in any other capacity. If interested, please contact the secretary-treasurer.

Monument cleaning

Granite monuments can be cleaned by pressure-washing. The service is available locally; contact Donald Bracken at (613) 387-3294.

Marble monuments should not be pressure-washed; the stone is too soft. Clean marble monuments manually with a soft brush and water.

The Board of Lillies Cemetery gratefully acknowledges donations made in 2021 in memory of the

following people:

John & Matilda Douds                         Wendell Hughson                    Robert Hughson

Philip & May Leadbeater                     Lloyd Leadbeater                     Gregory Leadbeater    

Betty & Basil Blondin                          Frank & Nancy Wykes             Glynn Edgar

Baldur von Minden                              Van & Victoria Wills               Albert & Mary Hill          

Malcolm Godin                                    Jason Day                                Harold Greenlees

Ernest & Nellie Blackman                   Charles & Ruby Blackman       Alan Blackman

Thomas & Amy White                        Myrtle & John Sloan                Douglas Frayn

Wilmer & Alice Kenny                        Glenn Kenny                           Roxanne Kenny          

George & Jean Collinson                     Frances Collinson Donaldson  Marjorie Hull  

Mary & Ernest Collinson                     Everett & Mabel Elliott           James Riley     

Ormond & Alice Elliott                      George & Amelia Martin         Rebecca Hartley

Robert James McCammon                   Newton & Winnie Greene       Ronald Greene

Carl & Hazel Burtch                            Martin & Jean Carpenter          Vernon Tye

Owen & Jennie Burtch                         Helena & Stanley Best             Charles W Slack         

Stephen & Keitha Berry                       Carrol & Edith Berry               Douglas Berry

Keitha Irene Kenny                             Pernie & Mildred Banks          Rodney Steacy

Sanford, Mary & Lorne Kelsey             Elwood & Bernice Berry          Billy Berry       

Edna, William & Wayne Rabbie           Audrey & Cecil Welch             Eric Warren    

Osborne & Flora Kenny                      David Kenny                           Philip Kenny

Hugh & Olive Henderson                   William & Laura Cox               Gary Cox        

Gordon & Alwilda Gamble                 Joyce Stedman                         Norris Middleton

Alice, Art & Marjorie Hughes              Ralph Welch                            John Phillip Collins

Lorena & Gerald Bevans                     Ray & Zella Sweet                   Terry Molloy

Bernard, Rae & Lynda Lee                   Cassandra Lee                          Wilmer Willis

Gerald & Gwen Kenny                        Allan Kenny                            Olive & Lorne Kenny 

Bernard & Hazel McAlonan                Eldon McAlonan                     Allen Moroughan

Oscar & Harriet Warren                      Leslie Simpson                         Jo-Anne Rogers

Ethel & Earl Chapman                        Alice & Milton Chapman         Lorne Chapman

Sterling Chapman                                Oliver & Florence Simpson     Harold & Hazel Tye   

Florence & Johnson Moorhead           Ernest & Edna Morris             Gyles E Tye

Lynden, Angela & David Slack             Andrea & Richard Warner       Nina Warner               

Bill, Eleanor & Debbie Nolan              Florence (Sly) Simpson             Miner Simpson

Ernest & Ada Rowley                          Cathryn & Prudence Baxter     Donald Baxter

Herbert & Karen Mainse                     Clifford Simpson                     Ronald E Moulton      

We mourn the passing of:

Sterling Chapman, Harald & Diana Linke, Stephen Warner, Marie Collins, Gary Cox, Glenna Colford

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