Newsletter – 2020

In accordance with Ontario provincial government directives and guidelines relating to the COVID 19 Corona virus pandemic


2020 Memorial Service



The Board acknowledges that this is the best course of action in these difficult times. We encourage everyone to remain positive and stay safe through the coming summer. As with all the trials we experience in life this, too, will end and our appreciation of friends and family will be greater as a result.

The cemetery remains open during the day and we encourage everyone to visit often.

Board Report

Operating expenses for 2019 were $6408.60. Mowing and maintenance expenses remain relatively low thanks to the work of board member Richard Berry who keeps our cemetery looking good.

Net income for 2019 was $11,446.34; this amount does not include $400.00 from lots sales and monument fees which must be deposited in the Care and Maintenance Fund.

Lillies Cemetery website and Facebook page

The cemetery website is

We hope it will raise awareness of the cemetery and make it accessible to a wider community. It’s a work in progress; comments and suggestions are welcome.

You can also visit our Facebook page:

Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and other Decorations

            We are pleased to see the flowers that have been planted by some families and we encourage others to do so. Remember that planted flowers should be within one foot of the monument so that they do not interfere with mowing.

Please mark artificial flowers and wreaths with your name and the name of the grave so that errant wreaths can be returned to their proper place. Damaged and faded items should be removed.

We are pleased with the new trees planted in 2019 which will enhance the look of the cemetery. If you wish to plant a tree in the cemetery please contact the secretary-treasurer.

As a volunteer organization the Baptist Cemetery welcomes anyone who is interested in becoming a board member or participating in any other capacity. If interested, please contact the secretary-treasurer.

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