Newsletter – 2016

 Annual Memorial Service – 2:30 P.M., Sunday, June 19, 2016

 Memorial Service

The annual Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 2:30 P.M. at the Cemetery. Rev. Don Stiles of the Seeleys Bay United Church will lead the service and music will be provided by Gary Bracken.  We hope you will be able to attend; please remember to bring a chair or blanket to sit on.  In the event of rain the service will be held in the Seeleys Bay United Church.

Board Report

The Cemetery Board met on December 2, 2015. Revenue and expenditures for 2015 were reviewed and approved. Operating expenses for 2015 were $9,410.03 and net income was $9273.82; a detailed financial statement is available on request.

The Board confirmed its decision to move the Care and Maintenance Fund to Legacy Private Trust in order to increase the income from the Fund. At the meeting held on June 1, 2016 the secretary-treasurer reported on the Care and Maintenance Fund and projected a significant increase in income for 2016.


Lillies Cemetery now has a website – – which will give the cemetery a higher profile in the community and provide an opportunity for internet users to learn about and contact the cemetery. Please visit the website and give us your comments. Suggestions for changes or additions are welcome.

Heritage Recognition

This past April the municipal council of the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands approved the recommendation that the Baptist Burying Ground which is part of Lillies Cemetery be added to the Municipal Heritage Register as a property believed to be of cultural heritage value or interest. Aside from the heritage recognition the cemetery may be eligible to apply for a grant to repair some of the damaged tombstones.

 Flowers, Wreaths and other Decorations

            We are always pleased to see visitors at the cemetery and we appreciate the flowers and wreaths that decorate so many of the graves. However, we take this opportunity to review the guidelines established by the Board to keep the cemetery safe and easy to maintain.

Cut or potted flowers should be placed close to the monuments. Glass and ceramic containers are prohibited.

Planted flowers should be confined to an area no more than one foot in front of the monument. Regrettably we do not have a water source at the cemetery; you must bring water for your flowers. Plants that are dead will be mowed over.

Please consult the Board before planting any trees and shrubs; what is small today can grow quite large in a few years and may have to be removed to facilitate mowing.

Artificial wreaths are popular because they require little maintenance but they are prone to being blown about by the wind. Please mark your wreath with your name and the name of the grave so that errant wreaths can be returned to their proper place. Wreaths which are damaged or faded will be removed. Damaged solar lights will be removed.

Please be sure that any mementos or personal items placed on graves or monuments will not present a hazard to visitors or maintenance personnel.

As always the Board wishes to thank those who have assisted the Cemetery financially and in other ways.  Your support ensures that this cemetery will continue to serve the community as it has in the past.

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